Welcome to Stortfolk ! 

Stortfolk was for years a Folk Institution with an enviable reputation for booking excellent performers (some of the time!) - with a great record on encouraging new talent.

Eventually we ran out of road - and senior members. Too many friends have died, blown off this mountain in the wind .... (apologies to Mr Thompson!)

This site records the Wassail
.... and the achievements of the Mummers sides who travelled far & wide with a dragon in their suitcase.

More thanks than we have room for are due to all the members, past and recent, here and absent and the hundreds of performers who graced the Legion lounge, the Hallowed and frosty lino of the vestry, the Railway Hotel, Triad and sundry other venues over the years.


Wassail and Mumm

BEERFORDBURY Barrel Tappers & Wine Tipplers Association
-Our adventures in  mumming - scripts & information, wanderings abroad

Not a traditional Wassail - more an excuse to go drinking just before Christmas and blag pub customers for loose change - all of which went to charities with which we had a connection (two a year, usually)

 All about the Wassail - itineries, results & a handy

Pub Guide -

good at any time of year! (provided of course they are still open)



Club Organisers :

Jon & Hilary McNamara. RIP Jon (Mac) - a true original! Hil's fine, but it would not be reasonable or fair to publish her details now.

Contact now - 01279 724224, ask for Geoff.

People we were friendly with

Ellen Macarthur Foundation

Harlow Ballet Assoc




The International Concertina Assoc.

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©2024 GeeJay Grafix. All rights reserved.

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Grateful thanks are due to the late John Kemble for his initial work on the site, and to James Leeds for arranging the hosting and domain for the life of the club.
Any complaints regarding this site are to be sent to Willliam X Suggers Esq., Post Restante, General Post Office, Freetown, Liberia accompanied by several dozen Somalian First Class Stamps (unlicked) (or at the very least not licked by camels) .....