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EGON TOASTE's Wassailled Hostelries Guide


See also -

We're going and doing - yet again!

.. and thanks again to everyone who supported us. The demise of the Great British Pub is well reported but a tad previous - go to any of the houses below* and we guarantee a warm welcome, good beer and on occasion some rather excellent dining.
(*parties excepted - and you'll have to join the Stansted Club first, but it's worth it!!)

©2015  Han Gover,  Gurrupta Pea, Terry Blee-Blairy
Photos ©2003 - 2015 by GeeJay Grafix except as noted - all rights reserved
TOUR (& Rough Location)

Tour & SIGN of the HOUSE

Notes *
See below.

Friday 11th Ash Vale (amended) £260 in the hat

Hand and Crown, Sawbridgeworth

Great Craic - Landlord's valediction!

The Catherine Wheel, Albury

 Splendid parties in progress - very jolly

Standon - The Bell

 Warm welcome - Landlady's valediction :)
  Nags Head Lt Hadham
Warm & welcoming. lots of Merry Christmasses

Much Hadham Bull

 Landlords Valediction - locals asked where "the big man with the stick" was this year

Hunsdon Green Man

 A great place for a pint

Wareside - the Chequers

 Lovely old pub - with a couple of lovely old regulars - Happy Christmas 'iggs & Chris!

Wareside - White Horse

 New management - very friendly. Suggers apologies for starting the first song in E Nigel - and his subsequent attempts at adjustment.
Thursday 17th Oak & Heath £151 in the hat

Jolly Brewers, Stortford


 First Responders came and clapped along

Sheering Crown

Landlord's valediction !

The Cock Hotel, Sheering

 Very jolly - Norma's fan club turned out!

The White Horse, Hatfield Heath

 Quiet night - but friendly.

The Cock, Hatfield Broad Oak

 Great old pub - Jams on second Sunday of the month. Great for lunches

Dukes Head, Hatfield Broad Oak

 Excellent for dinners - Broad Oak is Well Blessed !

The Four Ashes, Takeley

All Hail! a very kind landlady & a fitting finish ....

Friday 18th
The Manuden Ramble
£369 in the hat

Three Horseshoes, Hazel End

First responders gave support.
  Yew Tree, Manuden
Another splendid old inn in picturesque Manuden

Clavering - Fox & Hounds

 Real music supported.

The Cricketers, Clavering

 Great party - Andy's tatters loaned out to a reveller .....
Cordon Bleu cooking too

Stansted Club

 General valediction !

Stansted Kings Arms Hotel

 Always welcoming
  Coach & Horses, Wicken Bonhunt
 Thai food in a lovely old inn

Extras  :  

Karen & Tony's Gig,with enormous thanks to Tony Clarke & Karen Johnson for waiving their fee and the audience for digging into their pockets for the collection.  £150  
Singers night donations  £20

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* Notes

All our comments are good -. If you want a crit, go see CAMRA or the Good Food Guide. If people are good enough to let us in to sing & collect, that says something about them already. All the pubs have an individual character and it's up to you, the hopeful traveller, to go and see if you like their style. All we offer is a hint or two.

Landlords - if you don't like the look of us, we aren't going to argue if you turn us away.
It's the licencee's right to control visitors and assess the annoyance we might cause their patrons and we recognise that.
We do not go where we're not wanted, nor will we add to the annoyance by asking again next year, unless we become aware of a change in management (or management policy) or we're asked back.
We're not easily offended.
(however the emotional damage cause by callous rejection of our finely-honed choral skills sometimes takes months** to overcome)
(**or even minutes)

From experience, specialist restaurants and big drinking-halls with club-type dance sound are not set up for a wassail and if it doesn't look like the sort of pub we could do, we don't try. See above for the sorts of pub we like.
Those who refuse because the landlord's absent or there's a live gig / special party / important match in progress will often be re-visited next year.
When in a pub, we will very happily shut up if customers want us to - you just have to ask. Occasionally, we get paid to shut up - we're kind of happy with that, more drinking time & less vocal strain!
NB: Patrons are asked to refrain from setting tatters ablaze or pulling on them and crying "Ding Dong!".

HEALTH WARNING - FFS DO NOT attempt to cuddle our Andy - at least not if you're male and / or ugly and / or dunk as a skunk and happy as a fiddler's bitch ... he may look like a big ole brown bear. That's because he is a big ole brown bear. His usual diet is heavy on well-lubricated topers, eaten raw with a dash of tabasco sauce .....