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EGON TOASTE's Wassailled Hostelries Guide


We'll publish pix & notes when we've been! see previous years for a flavour ... (generally that of Good Ale ...).

©2010  Egon Toaste and Arthur Boutfayse; Photos ©2003 - 2011 by GeeJay Grafix except as noted - all rights reserved

TOUR (& Rough Location)

Tour & SIGN of the HOUSE

Notes *
NB: This is NOT a critical review. See below.
Ash Vale Saturday 15th December £215.52 in the hat - a Rare Triumph!
Wareside White Horse
Jolly welcoming
Ditto - Keith seen, as he traditionally is.
Widford Green Man
Happy crew
Hadham Cross Crown
Great stop for a wet, as ever
Much Hadham Bull
Heaving - very jolly. Wild Rover done
Lt Hadham Nags Head
Most convivial! Note made to come back for lunch.

The Star

Friendly - Lowestoft ale (Trawlerboys) in great form
Sawbo Floods Thursday 20 December £ 138.48 In The Hat, from a small but perfdectly formed crew
High Wych

Rising Sun


Dusty Miller




The Gate



George IV


Queen's Head


The Willie


Hand & Crown

Landlord's Valediction
The Manuden Ramble Friday 21 December £305 in the hat - an Excellent Effort!

Fox & Hounds








Queens Head



Social Club



Kings Arms





Hazel End

Three Horseshoes

Sheering to Takeley - Oak & Heath Saturday 22nd December £191 in the hat
 Hallingbury George 
 Sheering Crown



 Hatfield Heath Thatchers
   White Hart
   White Horse
 Hatfield Broad Oak  The Cock

 Takeley Street  Green Man

   Four Ashes
Molehill Green Three  Horseshoes



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Stortfolk Website:


* Notes

All our comments are good -. If you want a crit, go see CAMRA or the Good Food Guide. If people are good enough to let us in to sing & collect, that says something about them already. All the pubs have an individual character and it's up to you, the hopeful traveller, to go and see if you like their style. All we offer is a hint or two.

Landlords - if you don't like the look of us, we aren't going to argue if you turn us away.
It's the licencee's right to control visitors and assess the annoyance we might cause their patrons and we recognise that.
We do not go where we're not wanted, nor will we add to the annoyance by asking again next year, unless we become aware of a change in management (or management policy).
We're not easily offended.
(however the emotional damage cause by callous rejection of our finely-honed choral skills sometimes takes months** to overcome)
(**or even minutes)

From experience, specialist restaurants and big drinking-halls with club-type dance sound are not set up for a wassail and if it doesn't look like the sort of pub we could do, we don't try. See above for the sorts of pub we like, and vice-versa.
Those who refuse because the landlord's absent or there's a live gig or an important match in progress will often be re-visited next year.
When in a pub, we will very happily shut up if customers want us to - you just have to ask. Occasionally, we get paid to shut up* - we're kind of happy with that, more drinking time & less vocal strain!
* Cheers & respect to Pez & friend who had a kind of auction to decide if we were going to sing another one ... or not