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EGON TOASTE's Wassailled Hostelries Guide


Wherein Egon Toaste and his trusty navigator Arthur Boutfayse attempt to recount the travels and travailles of many evenings progress from hostelry to hostelry. There is a key - see below


TOUR (& Rough Location) SIGN of the HOUSE Notes & Ratings
A11 Tour:  
Elsenham The Crown MMM,SBSB,JJJ - one of our favourites.
Henham The Cock MM,SBSB
Newport The Coach & Horses MM,SBSB,J - lots of diners all having an Excellent Time, as last year.
Quendon The Chequers MMM,SBSB,J
Debden White Hart SB,J - Jacqs learns that "thank you" is almost the same in Ukrainian as Czech. Handy information when in N. Eseex .....
Debden Plough M,SB
Widdington Fleur de Lys SB,J Good fun - live band
Rickling Green Cricketers Out of time in 2000 - sorry about that, it's a good place for a decent wet ....
Hatfield Heath Tour:  
HATFIELD BROAD OAK The Cock N,MM - Beer still very well kept - lots of real choice.
  Dukes Head MMM,SBSB,
  Stag M,SB
  White Horse M,SB
  Countryman Restaurant MMM,J - Poplular dining-out spot with good reason.
Hallingbury Sutton Arms JJ,SBSB,MM - Diners in back room were in no pain.
  George SBSB,MMM.
SHEERING Crown, free house MM,SBSB,J - Always get a good pint of Adnams in here.
  Cock free house SBSB,MM,
Manuden Yew Tree Inn SBSB,MM,J
Clavering Cricketers MMM,SBSB,J - famed for dinners. Busy but friendly
  Fox & Hounds MM,SBSB,J
Brent Pelham Black Horse MM,SB,J
Stocking Pelham Cock SBSB - very popular.
Albury Catherine Wheel MM,SB,J
Hazel End Three Horseshoes K,SBSB,MM,J
Wareside Chequers K,MM,SBSB - home pub for the Ashvale Longsword
  White Horse M,SB
Widford The Bell SB,M,J
  Green Man M,SBSB,J
  Crown J,SBSB,M -
  Bulls Head MM,SBSB,JJ - refurbished since last year & now a pubmaster. Looking good!
Little Hadham Nags Head MMM,SB
Standon Bell Ran out of time - back next year!
  Star J,M,SB
Puckeridge Crown & Falcon M,SBSB
West Road Three Horseshoes SB,M - family atmosphere
High Wych Rising Sun N,KKK - world-renowned ! Sunday Jams
Sawbo City Half Moon SB, MM - lovely little pub with a great atmosphere
  Hand & Crown MM,SBSB,J - favourite stop for a wet.
  Bell SB,KKK,J - Ridleys Tiddley in nice order. Heaving. Monday Jams
  Market House SB,SB,MMM,J- good place for a meal out. Cordon Bleu Restaurant.
  King William IV SB,SB,M - Courage
  Queen's Head SB,M - very friendly
  George IV SB,SB - McMullen's
  Good Intent SBSB,M,KKK - Greene King. Wednesday Jams
  The Gate SBSBSB,J - Good Ale ! Nearly a Nigel !

TOP      HOME Last Year's Pubs

KEY to the ratings: - Hostelries may qualify under more than one heading. All hostelries wassailled are deemed to be good & sufficient places of rest, recreation and enjoyment. Ratings are for especial competence in one or more areas.

Sad to report, there are some establishments where we have been denied the Comfort of the House. They will not generally be embarassed by being asked again.

Ratings are entirely at the discretion of the Association and can be altered at Will, provided he shows up. Landlords who feel they have been unfairly graded should appeal formally to the Grand Court of the Wassail Branch, enclosing grounds for appeal on a postcard, together with a stamped & addressed barrel of best.

M (= Macs)

M : Good Food. Bar Snacks. Egg & Chips done. MM: LOTS of food. All very tastyMMM: Aroma of Good Roast Beef, Australian-grade steaks or home-made pie. Array of Dangerous Puddings &/or Throwing Trifles in cabinet. MMMM: Groaning Board. Fly-button damage to ceiling. Mr Creosote ate here.

J (=Jacquis)

J: More than usually Friendly or own parrot. JJ: Chat-up merchants   JJJ: Made coffee, told jokes, made all the ladies giggle & blush. Don't smoke over you. JJJJ: Royal Liberty Morris. All maidens carried lustily away.

K (=Kevins)

K: Folkies KK: Singing tolerated & joined in with  KKK: Jams encouraged and/or  landlord posesses Goaty Voice & will use it. KKKK: Tour continued without Real Folkies, who now live there permanently.

SB (=Suggers-Brain)

SB - Good Ale. Awarded as standard. We wouldn't grace any establishment where it wasn't. SBSB - Exceptionally Good Ale, or a fine cellar. SBSBSB - Very Good Ale at reasonable cost in convivial surroundings. SBSBSBBSSSBBBSSSSS - More than SBSB. Almost impossible to enunciateSee N below

N (=Nigel)

A Nigel indicates the prescence of the rarest and very finest Real English Ale. A Hero of a Cellarman. And proper facilities in which to savour the brew. Only one Nigel is ever awarded (per pub), as there is only one Nigel.


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